Tuesday, November 12, 2019

What Are Words

What are words but inadequate
To tell what it was like
When Zinfandel ruled with chains?
I saw that I must fight my way
Across the wasteland
Lined with broken glass
That cut into my feet, my hands,
My knees where I stumbled.
There were no landmarks, no maps,
No guide to take my hand and lead me through
This gray with no horizon.
What are words?
Alone I fell into the scorn,
Suspended for an unnamed time.
In vain I sought the blackness
At the edge of obvious disdain.
Even this solace was denied.
When once my eyes closed
Behind my mind, I could not open
Them to look. I could not see
The way but felt a pull
Within. I clawed and struggled
And though a stranger to that place,
I knew its bounds, a wall of fear.
I knew because I laid each brick
Slung together with mortar  
Of flesh and tears and over time
Forgot whom I had caged inside.
I fought until my strength was gone
And in the quiet of No Place
I lay, indifferent, I had no words to care.

A grain of sand crumbled to earth,
Then, another, followed by another
Until the wall came down, destroyed
By the darkness of surrender.
A wish of air breathed sweet
Across my face and for the first time
I knew that I am. What are words to tell?

Crepe Hanger


I look
In his refrigerator, so bare
The only thing in it
Is the glare of light.
I turn
And walk out the door.
I think
He died and forgot
To quit breathing.
I’ll send
A card to his mother.

Red Pith Helmet

Side by side we worked
Bound by the difficult job
And shared work ethic. I hope
They’re not persnickety, she
Ventured. I rummaged in the back
Of my shop and found it.
He gave me this. He made it.
And I put it on my head,
The red pith helmet.
Any man who makes a
A red pith helmet
Is okay by me, she said.
And we went back to work,
Chuckling. The job isn’t so hard
Now we know the heart of the man.

I Am One Feisty Courageous Woman

I am one feisty courageous woman, let me tell you.
I wonder where I am going even when I’m hell bent

            For leather on my way.
I hear my roadmap on the wind, in the sway of cedar branches.
I see the way before me and set my feet.
I want time to bend to my desires; I want to bend to time.
I am one feisty courageous woman, let me tell you.

I pretend that I am the wind, the tree, the stone and I am.
I feel the earth’s spin, the motion of the stars, silent.
I touch your center even as you touch mine, and you, enigmatic world,
            Become my lover.

I worry that your love might spirit me into madness, yet,
I cry in the night wanting to fly beyond every boundary of reason.
I am one feisty courageous woman, let me tell you.

I understand my limitations—
            They are the same as yours.

I say a thing and it is so.
I dream new worlds into being.
I try on all my selves and they fit.
I hope it is enough to be.
I am one feisty courageous woman, let me tell you.

False Pretenses

You lured me here—
No, that’s not true—
I decided . . .
You said “love”,
I fell into your brown eyes.
I’m here. Where are you?

Your spare toothbrush lives here. A comb.
A pair of flip-flops, total inventory,
Not enough to warrant a dresser drawer.

You visit. Show up . . . some nights
At eight or nine or ten. In your pack
You carry slacks and a shirt for work—
Tomorrow. You set up my ironing board,
Make pretty; no wrinkles mar you.
This might take an hour. You shower.
Another hour. Then you want to fuck.
You think I’m ready for a good time?
Some nights we exchange a dozen words.

I wonder who you are.
I wonder who I’ve become.
Some would call this depression.
I do not know.

You say you help your “sister”.
Who is she? You eat her meals.
You have a bed? A room? Or the house?
You have grown children. Does anybody
Know about me? Am I a secret?

I wait. I wait. I wait.
Want to hear about my day?
You never ask. I sweep, mop,
Scrub the toilet. I bake bread,
Boil a pot of beans. Walk to the market,
Haul my dirty clothes to the laundry.

I read, I sleep, I wait. I pray
To sleep. I pray for help. I pray
To stay sane. Night comes.
I cannot keep my eyes open.
If you think I’ll wait forever,
You’ve got another think coming.

Woke up this morning, changed the locks,
Put a dinky bag on the curb for garbage pickup,
And set out to walk on with my life.
Janet was right. At our age,
When you come sniffing ‘round,
You are looking for a nurse or a purse.

Going Through Browning On The Train

On a day like today,
Black clouds roil
Down the slopes,
Snow deep in the coulees,
This stretch of country
Wears sadness like a blanket.

A black-haired young man
Races his pony across the hills,
His life the sum total
Of the thousand forebears
It took to bring him
To this day.
Races his pony to an end
Only he can see.

High Horse

High horse, Grandma said
Snorting ‘umble pie
Uriah Heap stuck in his thumb
Mumble head bowed deflect praise
Blame bring you down
To ground level ground
Grind grind ground
Into a shadow
Of who you are
Never mind
The consequences
Now get back out there
And do it.

Peeling the Onion

Today while chopping onions
For baked beans, I considered
The metaphorical onion.
I’ve been going through a rough patch
The past several weeks, peeling
Off another layer of long ago.
If only one layer would deal with one
Memory, wouldn’t be so bad,
But the damn things are so irrevocably
Interconnected. I’d like to think
I’ve ripped off the last layer
But I’d only fool myself.
There’s nothing for me to do
But keep on peeling
Right down to the weeping.


Moving In

I’m new here
Although I’m old
In other places.

The Way We Are

We are born. We are taught, this is the way
I live in this family, this neighborhood,
This country. I look around. I want to fit,
To look, smell, taste, act like you. I buy into
Pre-packaged beliefs, plans, ideas. As a people,
We dance in synchronization, a ballet
Indigenous to our area, our caste.

Until, one day, maybe, one person shifts;
He drapes beads around his neck,
Pulls on a tie-dye shirt, grows his hair
Long and shaggy, exchanges boots for sandals.
He searches, sees others who look like him.
They hang out. They look, smell, act alike.
Is he different? Is he a different “same”?

It’s hard work to make my life not be
An imitation, a reaction to family, friends.
I dig deeply into assumptions, mostly hidden;
Some scream hysterically in the light of day.
If I succeed, if I live with my own slant,
The trick then becomes, to not think
Everyone else should be like me.

This too shall pass and coffee

            This too shall pass and coffee ___________________________________________________________________________________________...